Brighid´s Healing

Ireland´s Celtic Medicine Traditions

Gina McGarry

216 Pages, ISBN 0 9547 2302 3     
Green Magic Publishing, 2005     

Gina McGarry is the director of the acclaimed Brighid´s Academy of Healing in Westmeath, Ireland. Her synthesis of traditional Irish healing and her modern approach to holistic health has seen her reputation spread far beyond her native land.

This book is the result of her 21 years of teaching experience. Gina is the proud inheritor of a rich tradition of earth honouring, life enriching healing methods widely practised by our Celtic ancestors.

Brighid´s Healing is a powerful tool in the new healing renaissance.

(The text above comes from the back of the book)     

Interesting and recommended book about ancient Celtic healing methods using all kinds of plants and herbs. In the old stories one of the areas of interest of the Goddess Brigid is healing. Water sources were sacred and important; the ancient Druids would also have been familiar with the importance of clean drinking water, fresh air and hygiene.
However, the most important methods discussed in this book are plants and herbs, classified under the four elements air, fire, water and earth with two more chapters specifically aimed at women and men.


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