Celebrating The Seasons Of Life: Samhain to Ostara
Lore, Rituals, Activities and Symbols
Ashleen O´Gaea
Career Press / New Page Books, 2009
Unique among books about the Wiccan Sabbats, Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara
takes a different approach to explaining the holidays by looking in-depth at half of the Wheel of the Year.
Rather than dissecting each holiday, Ashleen´s goal is to take a broader look at them, explaining how and why
we celebrate each, along with how the celebration of one leads to the next.
This first of thw new titles from Ashleen offers a vision of the holidays we celebrate from October to March, including:
- Samhain (October 31st)
- Yule (December 21st)
- Imbolc (Februari 2nd)
- Ostara (March 21st)
Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara first gives the history and original customs of each holiday,
then explains its place in modern life. Stories are shared for each Sabbat, to reconnect us with our lore and bring
new meaning to current practice. Ashleen includes examples of rituals that are ideal for practicing solitaries, covens,
of Wiccan families, with special sections on what children of various ages are ready to learn about these holidays.
Celebrating the Seasons of Life is conveniently complete with Circle-casting directions for groups and individuals
who don·t have a "usual way" or would like to try something new. It´s brimming with original material
that can be used by any pratitioner to refresh or embellish his or her rites, including recipes and creative touches to
capture seasonal fun without forgetting the significance of each Sabbat.
Ashleen O´Gaea is the author of several books, including Raising Witches: Teaching the Wiccan Faith to Children
(New Page Books).
She lives in Tuscon, Arizona, with her husband, Canyondancer, a trio of cats, and a silly old dog.
A founding board member emeritus of the Tuscon Area Wiccan-Pagan Network, she´s also a board member and the senior Corresponding
Priestess for Mother Earth Ministries-ATC, a Neo-Pagan prison ministry.
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