Smudging for Beginners
Secrets from a Professional
Leeza Donatella
134 Blz., ISBN 978-0-9911007-4-3
Higher Roads Productions, 2015
Higher Roads Productions, 2015
For centuries every culture and religion has used a technique to raise the energy of person, place or object.
Today with trendy supermarkets now selling smudgesticks, it´s time I shared the information and practices
I´ve used for decades.
This book provides you with everything you need to know to perform full blessing & clearing ceremonies
including steps for smudging location, persons & objects, home proep, smuding prayers & blessings,
materials used, how to ground & balance, best days to smudge, spirit encounters, releasing trapped negativity.
(Bovenstaande tekst komt van de achterkant van het boek)