Celebrating The Seasons Of Life: Beltane to Mabon
Lore, Rituals, Activities and Symbols
Ashleen O´Gaea
Career Press / New Page Books, 2004
The stories of the Sabbats help us to reconnect with our lore and bring new meaning and twists to our current practices in a variety of ways.
Unique among books about the Wiccan Sabbats, Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Beltane to Mabon gives us the history of each holiday
and explains its place in modern life. Through it, you can discover a variety of rituals that are ideal for covens, solitaries, and Wiccan families -
including special sections on what children of various ages are ready to learn about these holidays:
- Beltane (May 1st)
- Litha (June 21st)
- Lammas (August 1st)
- Mabon (September 21st)
This second volume of Celebrating the Seasons of Life explores Wicca´s relationship with other religions.
Wicca is the largest and best-known Neo-Pagan religion, but it is not the only one - Northern Paganism (Asatru) and Druidry share its traditions.
Do you know which Runes are associated with Summer Sabbats? Are you aware of the Druid associations with them? Celebrating the Seasons of Life
acknowledges these links and incorporates material designed to emphasize these religions´ shared heritage.
As straightforward as a conversation between friends and illustrated with line drawings and photos Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Beltane to Mabon
shares the author´s distinctive perspective of Wicca. It is clear and comprehensive enough for the initiate, yet lively enough to belong on the
experienced practitioner´s bookshelf.
Ashleen O´Faea is the author of several books, including Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara and
Raising Witches: Teaching the Wiccan Faith to Children (New Page Books). She lives in Tuscon, Arizona, with her husband, Canyondancer,
a trio of cats, and a silly, old dog. A founding Board Member Emeritus of the Tuscon Area Wiccan-Pagan Network, she´s also a Board member
and the senior corresponding Priestess for Mother Earth Ministries-ATC, a Neo-Pagan prison ministry.
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